It's a typical start to the morning in my classroom, and we are settling down for "Jesus time." We make our beginning in the name of the Father who made us, the Son who died for us, and the Holy Spirit who lives in us. We sing our opening songs, "My best friend is Jesus" and "Jesus Loves the Little Ones." My kiddos can do this all by heart. They can do it with their eyes closed, upside down, and while picking their noses...and sometimes they do!
We begin our bible story, and I'm expecting the usual:
-wiggly bodies
-stopping the story to ask someone to keep their pants out of their mouth
-children raising hands (or not!) to tell me arbitrary things like, "my dog threw up last night" or "I just tooted two times."
You know...the usual!
I begin reading the story of Jairus, and how he came to plea for Jesus' help to heal his very sick daughter. I take props out of our story box: a thermometer, a bandaid, and medicine. We talk about how none of these things had worked for the little girl. Jairus went to Jesus because he knew Jesus could heal her, and he had FAITH. (I write this in capital letters because THIS is the main point I was trying to make with this lesson. But God has very different plans than me!!)
I continue the story, and we learn that when Jesus arrived at Jairus' house, people ran out and told them they were too late. His daughter had already died. But Jesus told them to have FAITH, and he went into the house and brought the little girl back to life.
I'm now ready to explain all about the word FAITH, when a little boy raises his hand and tells me,
"Jesus is never too late."
And in a flash, the whole thing changes. I am vividly reminded that Jesus is present, alive, and abounding in our classroom and in the hearts of these littles! Wow! I am taken aback and stunned by the truth and clarity in the statement from this 5 year old child.
So many things hit me all at once:
Jesus is working in the smallest of hearts and minds.
He can speak His message through anyone!
His truth is simple, and simplicity is sometimes the best medicine.
I may have plans, but God has better plans.
The truth in this child's statement has echoed in my heart all week. When I'm anxious about a situation, when I am concerned about the state of our world, when I worry about my own children...Jesus and his perfect timing are in control. He will work all things for good, he has each one of us in the palm of his hand, and he is never too late! I thank God for the gift of our classroom, and how he is giving us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. God will never cease to amaze me with His timing!
Now each day when we close in prayer at the end of our Jesus time, we thank Jesus for always being on time, and NEVER being too late.
What a beautiful reminder! I love that Jesus invites us to come to him as children...we have so much to learn from these little hearts! Thanks for sharing.