Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Grandmother and How She Was Just About God!

In December, I often think of my grandmother.  Truthfully, I think about her all the time. She left a legacy of love with her children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, in-laws, son in laws, grandson-in laws, and so many more. She was born on December 14, 1927.

Today, this is how she came to mind...

Amidst the busy month of December, I have been trying to carve out a time to focus on God's word.  Like a true prodigal daughter, I wander away from Him every day.  This girl knows that God promises to speak to me through His word!  God's word is His lifeline to me, but do I turn to it often enough? Definitely not.  I try to tackle my day or my week all alone…and then I wonder why I'm stressed.

This morning I got out my bible (and probably looked completely foolish if neighbor might have peeked through the window), randomly opened it and laid my forehead down somewhere in Judges.  Perhaps I felt that if my head was that close to God's word, maybe I could make my heart follow along! I prayed that I would be able to "bring down my walls" that I put up…the ones that keep me preoccupied and distracted while I pray and read and study. I prayed that I would hear, feel and see God speaking to me through His word.

I was reading in Luke about Jesus staying behind in the temple while his family traveled on ahead, and how he worried his mother. When she questioned him, he replied,

"Why were you searching for me?" He asked them.  "Didn't you know that I had to be in my Father's house?" Luke 2:49

The author of my devotion* had this to say about this verse:
"In my opinion, Christ's response was quite interesting.  I've searched every Greek translation I can find, and none of my resources have an original word that directly translates to "house" or "business" in verse 49.  From what I can gather, a more precise translation of Christ's response might be: "Didn't you know that I had to be about my Father?"
"That question implies the desire of my heart more than any other I can imagine.  I just want to be about God.  Not about ministry.  Not about my own agenda. Not about writing books and Bible studies. Not about me at all.  When all is said and done I would give my life for people to be able to say, "She was just about God." That would be the ultimate legacy."

Immediately as I read the last paragraph, I thought of my grandmother.  Just about anyone who knew her would say that she was "just about God!" Her fellow Realtors in her office knew she was just about God.  The sales clerk at her favorite store knew she was just about God. Her neighbors and the mailman knew she was just about God. The nurses in the hospital during her surgeries knew she was just about God.  The QVC operator probably knew she was just about God. 

What a legacy!!!  Her strong faith and commitment to our Savior was uncontainable and irrepressible!  She knew (even though I know she struggled just like we all do) that her life was not about her own agenda. She knew God would use her to bring Him to others, and she literally craved the opportunities.  She wasn't afraid of looking foolish or being embarrassed by showing her faith. She just loved him so very much. Oh man, she was Just About God!

Happy Birthday to my dear, amazing, grandmother! For your past 14 birthdays you have been resting in Christ, finally wrapped in the warmth of the Savior you worshipped and served for so long! My heart is so happy for you!

Dear Lord, may I be Just About You! May no other distractions get in the way of being about your agenda, not my own. This season is all about your birth, and your life given for our salvation. That should be my agenda: making sure everyone knows this news! NOT rushing to get the cookies baked in time for the Christmas party, NOT hurriedly putting up the twinkle lights on the front porch, NOT fretting over gift selections. Thank you for opening my heart and eyes to hear and see this message today. I love you Lord, and may everyone I know see your love through me! Amen

* Jesus Day By Day, Beth Moore

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