Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why Lutheran Schools?

My oldest son is 10 years old.  This summer he will turn 11, and in August he will begin a new chapter in his life…middle school.

All three of our children attend a Lutheran school.  I could write one hundred blog posts about how God has blessed us through this school,  from preschool all the way through fifth grade…and then still have more to say!  But a larger topic has been on my mind lately, as I ponder this jump my eldest is about to make.

Public middle school vs. private Lutheran middle school.

Since my son was born, back in 2003, I knew he would graduate from our Lutheran school.  I knew that many families make the decision to move their children to the public middle school at 6th grade, but I also knew that God's plan for my children would be to remain at our Lutheran school.

I do not judge anyone, and can never fully know a family's circumstances behind their decisions in raising their children.  But I would like to share my reasons for enrolling my children in our Lutheran grade school and middle school.

1. Opportunities.  This may seem like a strange reason on my part, since clearly the public middle school has the ability to offer my children countless activities, electives, sports, classes, etc. that our Lutheran school cannot offer. But I'm looking past middle school...past high school...past college…to the many opportunities that my grown child will have to serve his Savior. I'm looking to when he is choosing a wife, raising children, and working as a man of God in His kingdom.  God will give him so very many opportunities to spread His word, to help pass on the spark of faith in others' hearts…including his wife, children, co-workers, and fellow church members.  Maybe even others around the world?  Who knows how far God will lead him in his lifetime?  

In these precarious middle school years, our Lutheran school is going to help give him that foundation of maturing faith that he will need to become a man of God.  Yes, drama club and advanced graphic arts design class would be fabulous, but a firm foundation of faith in Christ is my (and God's) first priority.

2. Eternal life.  At some point in my children's lives, they will die.  I'm literally tearing up as I type this, because it could be today, tomorrow or 80 years from now.  But it will happen.  This life is fleeting, but life in heaven with our Savior is forever!!  I literally CRAVE a close walk with God for my children.  That He will live in their hearts, that they will spend their days here on earth as believers in Christ.  That when they die, they will be enfolded in His loving arms.  That everything they do in this life will be for Him, because they love Him. 

I will do everything I can to help foster this close walk with God for my children.  Our Lutheran school is doing the same thing, in additional ways that I cannot do by myself in our home.  My children are witnessing adults who have chosen to serve Him every day.  They are seeing their classmates faiths' growing.  They get the opportunity to pray with other peers.  They are able to worship as an entire school every week at chapel.  They can study God's word everyday.  They are part of a Christian fellowship of believers that is a truly amazing blessing!!

Thank you for listening to my heartfelt beliefs.  As I look at all the beautiful faces of the children at our school, I want these blessings for ALL the children…not just my own.  This is why I chose to share with you today.  

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